This catchall Knowledge covers the character’s erudition in the humanities: literature, history, art, philosophy, and other “liberal” arts and sciences. A character with dots in Academics is generally well rounded in these fields, and at high levels may be considered an expert in one or more areas of study.
If you like, you can choose a specialty for Academics even at less than 4 dots.
•Student: You’re aware that 1066 isn’t a Beverly Hills area code.
••College: You can quote from the classics, identify major cultural movements, and expound on the difference between Ming and Moghul.
•••Masters: You could get a paper published in a scholarly journal.
••••Doctorate: Professor emeritus
•••••Scholar: Scholars worldwide acknowledge you as one of the foremost experts of your time.
Possessed by: Professors, Literati, Topical Bloggers
Specialties: Poststructuralism, Impressionist Painting, Imperial Rome, Color Theory, Linguistics
This Knowledge represents the ability to operate and program computers, including mobile devices. Most Computer use also imparts a degree of Internet awareness (if not savvy).
•Student: You can navigate touchscreen and traditional point-and-click GUIs.
••College: You know your way around various applications and the Internet.
•••Masters: You know what to do with a text command prompt.
••••Doctorate: You can make a very comfortable living as a consultant.
•••••Scholar: You have all the SDKs and comprehend data structures for a stunning variety of programming languages.
Possessed by: Hackers, Office Workers, Programmers, Data Processors, Students
Specialties: “The YouTubes,” Computer Languages, Internet, Database Administration, HCI, Viruses, specific devices and programs
This knowledge represents a knack for piecing together and remembering information vital to many kinds of problem solving. It assists your character in solving the mysteries created by the storyteller. It is essential for divining secret pathways, understanding esoteric knowledge and answering the riddles of mystical guardians.
●Student: You can complete a jigsaw puzzle.
●●College: You can guess the outcome of a mystery novel.
●●●Masters: You can solve a Rubik's Cube in an hour.
●●●●Doctorate: You find three correct answers to every riddle.
●●●●●Scholar: You understand the deepest mysteries of life and the universe.
Possessed by: Crossword devotees, Detectives, Game players, Mystics, Zen enthusiasts.
Specialties: Crime Mysteries, Cryptography, Life, Riddles, Verbal, Visual.
You know the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item’s relative worth to keeping up with currency exchange rates. This Knowledge can be invaluable when brokering items, running numbers, or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels in Finance allow you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level.
•Student: You’ve taken a few business classes.
••College: You have some practical experience and can keep your books fairly neat.
•••Masters: You’d make a fine stockbroker.
••••Doctorate: Corporations follow your financial lead.
•••••Scholar: You could turn a $20 bill into a fortune.
Possessed by: Executives, Upper Class, Stockbrokers, Accountants, Fences, Drug Dealers, Smugglers
Specialties: Stock Market, Laundering, Appraisal, Foreign Currencies, Accounting, Fencing, Corporations, Federal Bailouts
This knowledge represents the character's understanding of faerie magic and lore. It can be used when creating oaths or working enchantments, or even to create new Arts. Gremayre gives a character essential comprehension into the in depth workings of all things relating to the Dreaming.
●Student: You grasp only the most simple concepts of faerie magic.
●●College: You can tell one cantrip from another.
●●●Masters: You understand many of the inner workings of Glamour.
●●●●Doctorate: You are well on the way to discovering lost Arts.
●●●●●Scholar: You know the deepest secrets of the Dreaming.
Possessed by: Scholars, Sorcerers, Changeling kings and queens.
Specialties: Oaths, Cantrips, Enchantment, Glamour, the Dreaming.
You’ve learned to notice details others might overlook, and might make an admirable detective. This Knowledge represents not only a good eye for detail, but also an ability to do research and follow leads. Such research may include Internet searches or more specific research techniques like hitting the law books and periodicals archives at the library.
•Student: You can parse a broad Web search for clues.
••College: Police officer
•••Masters: Private detective
••••Doctorate: Federal agent
•••••Scholar: Sherlock Holmes
Possessed by: Detectives, Mystery Buffs, Policemen, Stalkers
Specialties: Forensics, Shadowing, Search, Discolorations, Database Research
The Law Knowledge represents a knowledge of both legal statutes and proper procedures for enforcing them. Law can be useful for filing suits, avoiding lawsuits, or getting out of jail. What’s more, supernatural societies keep their own laws, and more than one character has saved his own life by deftly exploiting a loophole in one of the Traditions.
The Law Knowledge has any number of specialties, and a player may choose one for her character when she takes this Ability, representing both her field of experience and a general sense for how the legal system (especially in her locality) functions, though this is not mandatory.
•Student: You’ve paid a traffic ticket and know whether to plead guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere next time.
••College: You’re either studying for or just passed the bar exam.
•••Masters: You can make a living of the practice, and probably do.
••••Doctorate: If you’re not partner yet, you will be soon.
•••••Scholar: You could find the loopholes in the Devil’s contracts.
Possessed by: Lawyers, Police, Judges, Detectives, Legislators
Specialties: Criminal, Suits, Courtroom Protocol, Contracts, Police Procedure
Languages supplemental to your character's native language must be purchased through this knowledge. Each level of linguistics allows your character to speak additional languages fluently. It also gives the character an understanding of general linguistics and the structure of the language. With this ability, your character can attempt to identify accents or read lips.
●Student: You speak one additional language.
●●College: You speak two additional languages.
●●●Masters: You speak four additional languages.
●●●●Doctorate: You speak eight additional languages.
●●●●●Scholar: You speak sixteen additional languages.
Possessed by: Diplomats, Interpreters, Scholars, World travelers.
Specialties: Curse Words, Diplomatic, Perfect Accent, Slang, Technical.
Every supernatural group within the World of Darkness hoards its secrets from the others. Lore provides for your character's knowledges of a particular 'hidden' subculture or organization, such as the Kindred, Garou or Mages. When you purchase lore for your character, you must name which subculture that lore is in. You may purchase lore as many times as you can afford. For example, Mage lore and Kindred lore are considered separate traits, and each type of lore is treated as its own knowledge. Likewise, knowing about mages does not necessarily entitle to know about vampires; each lore type must be bought separately.
●Student: You possess dubious and sketchy information.
●●College: You are confident in your knowledge… you think.
●●●Masters: You know some concrete details.
●●●●Doctorate: You leaned some things that weren't meant to be known.
●●●●●Scholar: An expert, you may be considered a liability by the subjects of the lore.
Possessed by: Mentors, Mystics, Scholars, Spies.
Specialties: Changeling, Dauntain, Dreaming, Garou, General Occult, Mages, Wraiths, Vampires.
You have an understanding of how the human body works. This Ability covers knowledge of medicines, ailments, first-aid procedures, and diagnosis or treatment of disease.
•Student: You’ve taken a CPR course.
••College: Premed or paramedic
•••Masters: General practitioner
••••Doctorate: You can perform transplants.
•••••Scholar: You are respected by the world’s medical community as a pioneer.
Possessed by: Med Students, Doctors, Lifeguards, Parents, Paramedics
Specialties: Organ Transplants, Emergency Care, Poison Treatments, Pathology, Pharmaceuticals
You are knowledgeable in occult areas such as mysticism, curses, magic, folklore, and particularly vampire lore. Unlike most other Knowledges, Occult does not imply a command of hard facts. Much of what you know may well be rumor, myth, speculation, or hearsay. However, the secrets to be learned in this field are worth centuries of sifting legend from fact. At the very least, you can discern what is patently false.
•Student: You’ve got a blog about the eerie and the disturbing.
••College: There seems to be some unsettling truth to some of the rumors you’ve heard.
•••Masters: You’ve heard a lot and actually seen a little for yourself.
••••Doctorate: You can recognize blatantly false sources and make educated guesses about the rest.
•••••Scholar: You know most of the basic truths about the hidden world.
Possessed by: Occultists, The Superstitious, New Agers
Specialties: Rituals, Infernalism, Witches
You are familiar with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got there. This Knowledge can aid you in dealing with or influencing mortal politicians, or even offer some insight into the local supernatural power structure. The Politics Knowledge includes the ability to practically navigate various bureaucracies, as it assumes that certain organizational structures and relationship currencies are universal.
•Student: Activist; you can pay a speeding ticket online.
••College: Political science major; you know how to file a request for information.
•••Masters: Campaign manager or talkradio host; the clerk will help you navigate the forms you need to complete and tell you who needs the duplicates.
••••Doctorate: Senator; “We’re not supposed to show this to anyone without press credentials, so don’t quote me.”
•••••Scholar: You could choose the next President of the United States. “Sure, here are the keys to the file morgue. Turn off the light when you leave.”
Possessed by: Activists, Politicians, Lawyers
Specialties: City, State, Federal, Bureaucracy, Dogma, Radical
Rituals are an important part of werewolf life. Ritual behavior helps a werewolf control the Rage within. This Knowledge lets the character know about the traditions, mysteries, and ceremonies of the Garou, including how to participate in common rites and how to behave properly towards elders and leaders. Some werewolf rituals are more than formalized behavior: they call upon ancient spirit magics to powerful effect. A character cannot learn a rite of higher level than his Rituals rating.
●Student: You’ve watched a number of rites closely.
●●College: You know how to carry yourself at tribal moots.
●●●Masters: Other tribes invite you to attend their moots.
●●●●Doctorate: Even Black Spiral Dancers know and respect your knowledge.
●●●●●Scholar: You’ve quested into the Umbra to develop new rites.
Possessed by: Garou, Changing Breeds, a few Kinfolk
Specialties: Accord, Caern, Death, Mystic, Punishment, Renown, Seasonal, Minor
You have at least a basic understanding of most of the physical sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and geology. This Knowledge can be put to all forms of practical use. In most cases, a player should select a specialty to reflect a focus for her character’s scientific studies, but this isn’t strictly necessary.
•Student: You know most of the highschool basics.
••College: You’re familiar with the major theories.
•••Masters: You could teach high-school science.
••••Doctorate: You’re fully capable of advancing the knowledge in your field.
•••••Scholar: Your Nobel Prize is waiting for you.
Possessed by: Scientists, Students, Researchers, Teachers, Engineers, Technicians, Pilots
Specialties: Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, Astronomy
The Technology Knowledge represents a broad acumen with electronics, computer hardware, and devices more elaborate than “machines,” which fall under the Crafts Skill. If it has a processor, a transistor, or an integrated circuit — if it’s electronic rather than electrical — manipulating it uses the Technology Knowledge.
This is the wide-ranging Ability used to build one’s own computer, install (or subvert) a security system, repair a mobile phone, or kitbash a shortwave radio. You must always choose a specialization in Technology, even though you possess some skill in multiple fields.
•Student: You can perform simple modifications or repairs.
••College: You could make your living in assembly or repair.
•••Masters: You can design new technologies from a set of objective requirements.
••••Doctorate: For you, it’s not, “Can this be done?” but “How can this be done?”
•••••Scholar: A visionary in the field; you shape how people interact with their world through devices.
Possessed by: Engineers, Scientists, Defense Contractors, the Cable Guy
Specialties: Telecom, Computers, Security, Communications, Improvised Solutions, Industrial Espionage
You’re familiar with the writings of the classical and medieval alchemists, and you also have some practical experience. This Ability is indirectly related to the Knowledge of Chemistry, in a manner similar to the relationship between Astronomy and Astrology. You can interpret alchemical texts, and you understand the various symbols and ciphers used by the alchemists, even when you find them in a non-alchemical context.
●Student: A mere dabbler.
●●College: Apprentice; probably still dependent on a master for instruction.
●●●Masters: Journeyman; capable of making your own way, but with a long road left to travel.
●●●●Doctorate: Experienced alchemist; within reach of the greatest secrets.
●●●●●Scholar: One of the true practitioners of the craft.
Possessed by: Occultists, Scholars, Some Scientists.
Specialties: Cosmology, Lapis Philosophorum, Transmutation.
Area Knowledge
You’re familiar with an area – its landscape, history, inhabitants, and mortal politics. This Knowledge will also provide a basic “who’s who” for the areas around a freehold. You must determine the area that you have knowledge of at the time you take the Ability.
●Student: You know a fair amount for an outsider.
●●College: You may have lived there for a year or two.
●●●Masters: You may have lived there for five to 10 years.
●●●●Doctorate: You're native born and never left.
●●●●●Scholar: You know every stone, stream, or building in the area.
Possessed by: Cops, Long-Time Residents, Vigilantes.
Specialties: Customs, enemies, Geography, History, Law, Politics, Transportation, Wildlife.
You know how to compile and interpret a horoscope. Given the date and time (and, according to some systems, the place) of a person’s birth, you can construct a personality profile and a set of predictions about the likely course of his life. Whether you actually believe these revelations is a matter of personal taste, but you can present them in a convincing and pleasing manner to those who do believe. This Knowledge doesn’t confer any type of magical ability.
●Student: You merely dabble.
●●College: Friends ask you to make horoscopes for them.
●●●Masters: You could run a small astrology business.
●●●●Doctorate: You could have a syndicated newspaper column.
●●●●●Scholar: You could work for celebrities and politicians.
Possessed by: Amateurs, Astrologers, Mystics, New-Agers, Old Hippies.
Specialties: Ming Shu, Zodiac, Zu Wei.
Computer Hacking
You must have at least two dots in Computer before purchasing this Knowledge. Hacking allows the computer user to break the rules. It’s not a programming skill – that requires the Computer Knowledge. Hacking represents an imaginative faculty above and beyond the use of the programming codes. In the binary computer world of yes/no, hacking represents the little bit of genius that says, “Well, maybe.” Hacking is used instead of the Computer Knowledge when you’re breaking into other computer systems or trying to manipulate data in “real time.” The Computer Ability is used for programming and other miscellaneous tasks. Hacking is used most often as a complementary Ability to Computer, but it can aid programming by allowing you to work faster or to crack military codes that a normal programmer wouldn’t even be able to figure out.
●Student: You’re a computer geek who knows a few tricks, such as changing your grades in the university computer network.
●●College: You have great “luck” in guessing computer passwords.
●●●Masters: You thought your electric bill was too high last month, but you can fix that with a few keystrokes.
●●●●Doctorate: Now that you have cracked the bank codes, which is it: Rio or Bermuda?
●●●●●Scholar: The European Community was pretty annoyed about that thermonuclear incident, but you know they can never trace it back to you.
Possessed by: CIA Operatives, Computer Geeks.
Specialties: Data Retrieval, Networking, Telecommunications, Viruses.
You have a familiarity with the Garou lunar zodiac and its patron Incarnae. You've visited the Aetherial Realm at least once and you have some idea of how to plan your actions to conform with the most auspicious times of the year or month.
●Novice: You've studied with your pack's Theurge and know which Incarnae rule which months.
●●Practiced: You know which Incarnae govern which activities and the best time to invoke their assistance.
●●●Competent: You can trace back the birth stars of other Garou and smell out powerful influences on their lives.
●●●●Expert: You have a keen knowledge of the fine details of Garou astrology and would make a top-notch instructor in the lore.
●●●●●Master: You'll eventually be drawn to the Sept of the Stars.
Possessed by: Aetherial Denizens, Galliards, Garou Astrologers, Sept Of The Stars Members, Theurges, Umbral Travelers.
Specialties: Aetherial Realms, Casting Horroscopes, Comets, Interpretations, Planetary Aspects, Planetary Incarnae.
You may skillfully compose and interpret codes and ciphers. You can construct a code that can only be cracked by someone who scores as many successes as you have dots in this Knowledge. You can also crack a code, rolling your Knowledge against a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller depending on the code’s complexity.
●Student: Grade-school spy farm.
●●College: World puzzle buff, military signals officer.
●●●Masters: Intelligence officer.
●●●●Doctorate: Intelligence cipher specialist.
●●●●●Scholar: The Shadow.
Possessed by: Military Signals Personnel, Puzzle Buffs, Spies.
Specialties: Letter Shifts, Mathematical Encryption, Obscure Character Sets.
You know about different cultures – their morality, manners, methods, and more. With a little time to study, you can discover the social niceties or requirements that a visitor might need to know, or learn enough about different social structures, histories, and customs to avoid making serious blunders. This Knowledge covers the different aspects of a given culture (or cultures), as well as he reasons those structures exist.
●Novice: You know a few taboos and social mores.
●●Practiced: You're familiar with a few cultures that resemble your own.
●●●Competent: You're conversant with structures that differ a bit from your native culture.
●●●●Expert: You understand a great deal about many different regions and societies. Given time, you can fit in anywhere.
●●●●●Master: The world is your home.
Possessed by: Activists, Diplomats, Explorers, Sociologists, Wanderers.
Specialties: Art, Politics, Religions, Subcultures, Taboos.
You have a knowledge of explosives and demolitions that allows you to set off and build all types of bombs. You know how to handle nearly anything – dynamite, plastic explosive, nitroglycerin, black powder, blasting cord, even napalm. Additionally, you know the techniques for disarming explosives, which can come in very handy.
●Novice: Guy Fawkes.
●●Practiced: Leroy Moody.
●●●Competent: Underground chemist.
●●●●Expert: Blows up Technocracy Constructs for a living.
●●●●●Master: Bye-bye, Pentagon.
Possessed by: Anarchists, Armed Forces Personnel, Police Bomb Squads, Terrorists, War Chantry Cabals.
Specialties: Car Bombs, Detection, Disarmament, Dynamite, Forces Effects, Plastic Explosive.
Like Chimerical Alchemy, Gematria is a nocker science developed to compensate for the limitations of the Chimera Creation Birthright. This chimerical science helps nockers harness energy effects in the Dreaming. This quasi-science derives its mathematical language that converted names to numerical value for mystical purposes. Nocker Gematria creates a flexible mathematical framework for predicting the “randomness” of chimerical energies. The discipline is particularly useful when dealing with Dreaming physics, electrical phenomenon, and the behavior of FUBARs. Possession of this Knowledge is essential to create chimerical objects and inventions that are more than simple tools, and that can operate with their own energy reserves.
●Student: A novice.
●●College: You’re learning, but are still highly dependent on your master for instruction.
●●●Masters: You’re well-trained and capable of making your own way.
●●●●Doctorate: You're highly experienced, within reach of the greatest secrets.
●●●●●Scholar: One of the true practitioners of the craft.
Possessed by: Nockers, Talmudic Scholars.
Specialties: FUBARs, Golems, Physics (Near Dreaming or Far Dreaming).
You've studied the physical composition of the earth. You know something about the physics and chemistry of rock, the formation of landscape features, and other related topics. You can identify the type and probable source of a piece of stone; evaluate a likely place to look for oil, precious metals, and gems; and identify and refine ores. One dot in Science is necessary to take this Knowledge.
●Novice: High School.
●●Practiced: College student.
●●●Competent: Grad student or oilman.
●●●●Expert: Professor or prospecting consultant.
●●●●●Master: Research fellow.
Possessed by: Miners, Oilmen, Outdoors Types, Prospectors, Scholars, Structural Engineers.
Specialties: Engineering, Geomorphology, Paleontology, Petrology, Prospecting.
This is the Knowledge to recognize standards and coats of arms, as well as the meaning attached to them. This extends to historic coats of arms, guild seals, and Japanese mon, among others. You can design new seals and coats of arms that heraldic authorities would find acceptable. Successful recognition of a heraldic device automatically imparts a small degree of information about the family or organization it represents.
●Student: Amateur.
●●College: Enthusiast, historian, or irregular court attendant.
●●●Masters: Grad student, genealogist, or regular court attendant.
●●●●Doctorate: Professor or junior herald.
●●●●●Scholar: Research fellow or king of arms.
Possessed by: Court Members, Enthusiasts, Genealogists, Heralds, Historians.
Specialties: By Nation, By Period, Mercantile, Modern
You have a working knowledge of herbs and their properties, medicinal and otherwise. You can find and prepare herbs, and know which herb or blend of herbs to use in any situation. This skill will also provide knowledge of the magical lore of plants.
●Student: Read a book on it once.
●●College: Serious student.
●●●Masters: Local supplier.
●●●●Doctorate: Author of books on herbalism.
●●●●●Scholar: Herbal doctor.
Possessed by: Holistic Healers, Members of Traditional Culture, New-Agers, Wise Women.
Specialties: Culinary, Hallucinogens, Medicinal, Narcotics, Poisonous, Spirit.
High Ritual
While just about every mage learns some minor rites and tools to perform magic with ceremony, this Ability covers the nuances of putting on big time rituals. The mage learns everything from how to dress, to what colors match with the spell in question, to how to cut a few corners or eke out a little extra power. A leader of a High Ritual casting may not be the best public speaker or the most charismatic leader, but he knows exactly how to project, move and motivate so as to put every piece into just the right place at the right time.
With High Ritual + Stamina, a mage can continue casting a strenuous chant or rite for several hours, or even for a day or more (at 5+ successes). High Ritual+ Intelligence allows a mage to accumulate extra successes on the ritual beyond the normal Arete x Willpower limit (although the High Ritual roll itself cannot be extended; you have one roll of the Ability to increase the cap for your casting). Particularly specialized High Ritual casters may excel in specific situations as well.
●Novice: You've seen a couple of impressive rites.
●●Practiced: With a couple tries you can edge your way through a simple one.
●●●Competent: Practiced and confident, you can lead or participate in a variety of short rituals.
●●●●Expert: Your rites carry the strength of conviction and countless hours of study.
●●●●●Master: Not only can you perform the most demanding rituals, you can fill in missing parts or build your own new sacraments.
Possessed by: Various mages and sorcerers, priests, hip neopagans.
Specialties: Extending ritual, hurried, improvised, massive (more than 9 participants), by specific Tradition style.
You’ve studied the history of a specific area or period, and you understand what happened, when, and why, and who was involved. You also have a fair idea of social, political, economic, and technological conditions in various past times and places. Note that in the case of ancient changelings this Knowledge relates only to times and places that are outside their direct experience. For instance, a changeling born in Victorian London would rely on memory for knowledge of English history and culture, but would use History to uncover information about classical Greece, which was before his time, or about Czarist Russia, which was outside his experience.
●Student: Amateur or high school.
●●College: Enthusiast or college student.
●●●Masters: Grad student or author.
●●●●Doctorate: Professor.
●●●●●Scholar: Research fellow.
Possessed by: Enthusiasts, Mentors, Scholars.
Specialties: Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia, Classical, Economic, Intellectual, Medieval, Modern Europe, Political, Renaissance, Social, Technological.
You’re familiar with the literature of one or more nations or historical periods, and know something of the general style and structure of literature – the things that set literature apart from mere fiction or entertainment. You can usually find a witty or appropriate quote, or identify a quotation if you see one.
●Student: High school.
●●College: College student.
●●●Masters: Grad student or critic.
●●●●Doctorate: Professional or recognized author.
●●●●●Scholar: Celebrated author.
Possessed by: Authors, Critics, Scholars.
Specialties: American, Asian, Classical, Drama, English, European, Genre, Medieval, Novel, Poetry, Short Story.
Military Science
Through intensive study or actual battle experience, you're familiar with the techniques needed to conduct a military campaign. Your knowledge spans the spectrum of war, from the tactics required to command a 10-man squad to the grand strategy needed to command whole armies. You know how best to deploy your forces, cut off supply lines, and capture vital territory.
●Novice: Citadel graduate.
●●Practiced: NCO.
●●●Competent: Brigadier general.
●●●●Expert: Julius Caesar.
●●●●●Master: Sun Tzu.
Possessed by: Black Hand Warriors, Ex-Knights, Military Personnel, Wargamers.
Specialties: Large-Scale, Modern, One-On-One, Phalanx, Sabbat, Sieges.
You have a working knowledge of poisons, their effects, and antidotes. You can analyze a poison to tell its origin and can prepare a poison or antidote given time and equipment. You must have at least one dot in Science to acquire this Knowledge.
●Student: Dabbler.
●●College: Detective, mystery reader.
●●●Masters: Pharmacist, mystery writer.
●●●●Doctorate: Forensic scientist, emergency room doctor.
●●●●●Scholar: Assassin.
Possessed by: Assassins, Detectives, Medics, Mystery Buffs, Nobles, Pharmacists.
Specialties: Analysis, Antidotes, Chemical Poisons, Instant Poisons, Magical Poisons, Plant-Based Poisons, Slow-Build Poisons, Undetectable, Venoms.
You have a formal education in the science of human nature. You know the modern theories of emotion, cognitive development, personality, perception, and learning. Though this is largely a scholarly understanding of the human psyche, it can be used practically to understand those around you.
●Student: High school.
●●College: College student.
●●●Masters: Grad student.
●●●●Doctorate: Professor.
●●●●●Scholar: Theorist.
Possessed by: Counselors, Psychologists, Researchers, Scientists, Teachers.
Specialties: Animals, Behaviorism, Developmental, Experimental, Freudian, Humanist, Jungian.
A seneschal is someone who is responsible for managing and maintaining a home, property, or organization. This can include bookkeeping, managing workers, hosting visitors, and anything that falls under general upkeep. Both of the boggan birthrights make boggans well suited for seneschal duties and their practice of maintaining some sort of homestead gives them ample opportunity to be official or unofficial seneschals of some sort. Seneschal is an actual title that a noble gives to the one responsible for running their freehold; it is a title given to more boggans then any of the other commoner kiths.
The seneschal ability can be used for smoothly hosting events, general maintenance, and evaluating how well another household is operating.
●Student: You can generally keep a small homestead running smoothly.
●●College: You’re great at managing money and can easily entertain guests now and then.
●●●Masters: You can run a large freehold almost single-handedly.
●●●●Doctorate: You could hold the seneschal title in the hold of a duke or king.
●●●●●Scholar: You could keep a home running smoothly during a blackout when all of the local sidhe and redcaps arrived for dinner unexpectedly.
Specialties: Nobles, Commoners, Seelie, Unseelie, Freeholds, Accounting, Hosting, Kitchens, Managing.
Science Specialties
The subtleties of science are many and varied, especially for those who employ them. Characters who specialize in one type of science (Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, Cybernetics, etc.) more than others should simply take that Science as a separate Knowledge with specific applications outside of the more general body of knowledge that’s presented by the Science Trait.
●Student: A basic understanding of the concepts involved.
●●College: A working knowledge of the subject.
●●●Masters: Good enough to bend the rules without breaking them.
●●●●Doctorate: Extensive and esoteric theories.
●●●●●Scholar: You know so much that you can prove anything you want within your chosen field.
Possessed by: Research Technicians, Scientists.
Specialties: Astronomy, Biology, Cybernetics, Genetics, Metallurgy, Meteorology, Virology, Any other type of specific science.
Sign Language
Sign Language can be bought as a level in Linguistics. Not all sign languages are the same. You must declare each language separately. Ninja, deaf people, spies, and societies like the Freemasons all have their own separate hand codes. These must generally be taught by a member of a select group; obtaining this training may range from easy to nearly impossible.
You can take an animal apart and preserve all the bits and pieces, not just the skins and heads. Your deerskins won’t rot, and your raven claws won’t smell funny. Moreover, you can make sure newts’ eyes will stay fresh for years.
●Student: The newts should freeze well.
●●College: Nobody will buy from you, but you should be able to cure a pelt or properly preserve a snake in formaldehyde.
●●●Masters: Relatives who like animal heads nailed to their walls appreciate your presents. Others find your hobby distasteful because the animals don’t look alive either.
●●●●Doctorate: You could get a job at the natural history museum. Old ladies who want their Chihuahuas stuffed come to you, and your frog toes are as fresh as the day you got them.
●●●●●Scholar: You probably embalmed the pharaohs in a past life. Your work looks like it’s going to get up and run off at any moment.
Possessed by: Furriers, High School Science Teachers, Hunters, Morticians, Serial Killers.
Specialties: Embalming, Preserving, Tanning, Techniques of Frankenstein, Trophies, Victims.
Religion is a familiar aspect of human endeavor, and you fully understand its place in the world. At higher levels, this Knowledge imparts an appreciation of all religious beliefs, while individuals with less skill tend to view their own beliefs as intrinsically superior to any others. This, of course, varies with the individual. Possession of this Knowledge in no way requires personal belief in the tenets of any specific religion.
●Student: Participant.
●●College: Altar boy.
●●●Masters: Priest.
●●●●Doctorate: Professor.
●●●●●Scholar: Theologian.
Possessed by: Clergy, Laity, Missionaries, Religious Orders, Theologians.
Specialties: Agnosticism, Buddhist, Christian, Comparative, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Liberation, Rituals, Scripture, Wicca, Women’s Theology (often called Theaology).