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Original Poet Credits

Frequently, the Poet had some input into the Powers and mechanics below, but the initial concept, at the very least, was that of the people listed below. Without their creativity, these facets of the game would not exist.

Storyteller System, all Backgrounds except Adamantium, Home Turf, Training Facilities, and Vibranium; Silence Merit, Power Traces Flaw, Hedge Magick Power, Rage, Gnosis, Past Lives Power - White Wolf Publishing

Riskbreaking - Squaresoft

Concept, Fiction, Local game mechanics - The Poet


Anonymous - Geomancy

Josh Benton - Chaos Field, Dream Manipulation, Object Incarnation, Psionic  Vibration, Tap the Expanse

Derek Burgess - Altered Perceptions (Material Sense), Free Action, Rigging

Darque Phoenyx- Telesthesia

Tomas Eriksson- Altered Perceptions (Osmosis), Audiokinesis, Aura of Decay,  Energy Boosting Field, Energy Transformation, Imp Creation, Information Manipulation, Matter Body Parts, Object Disintegration, Well of Knowledge

Elizabeth Gil- Technological Vampirism

Shayne Karlash- Reflected Existence, Retributive Strike

Keith Kollee- Psychic Backlash, Pyrokinesis, Vision of Decay 

Magnus Korberg- Spirit Armour, Tactical Supremacy

Kurtis Markuson- Magic Absorption/Conversion

MysteryCPU- Altered Perceptions (Synesthesia)

David Okum- Glamour, Tunneling

Jason Paris- Replication, Weight-Shifting

Robert Paul- Charge Building, Cryokinesis, Horror Factor, Tactile Telekinesis

Sean Taverner- Flawless, Machine Possession, Power Puppetry, Serial  Resurrection, Singularity, X-Factoring, Zenjoriki, Zenotic Space

Vision- Energy Body Parts


Josh Benton- Beam (Energy Emission) - The Quick and the Dead (Enhanced Accuracy/Heightened Reflexes Stunt), Saint of Killers (Enhanced Accuracy Stunt), Healing Proxy (Health Proxy/Healing Factor Stunt), Takedown (Martial Arts Supremacy Stunt)

Tomas Eriksson- Altered Perceptions: Filtering Vision (Heavy Filters),  Biological Vampirism (Wendigo), Diabolic Aura (Confusion), Duplication (Illusory Duplication), Entrapment (External Source), Extra Body Parts (Fingers, Prehensile Hair), Health Proxy (Dorian Grey), Karma Channeling (Oath Bonding), Matter Absorption/Converstion (Reshape), Matter Body (Acid, Gas, Magma, Sand, Tar), Orchard (Power Charge), Physical Imitation (Animal Mimicry, Item Imitation), Physical Law Control (Micro-Environment), Quintessence Vampirism (Replication), Psychic Vampirism (Empathic Vampirism), Secretions (Bioluminescence, Electricity, Freezing Gel, Hypnotic, Liquid Skin, Power Damp, Expanded Power Detection, Slime), Serial Immortality (Alter Ego, Reanimation, Spontaneous Creation), Shadow Fighting (Tools, Transport), Sizeshifting (Object Shifting), Sympathetic Travel (Digital, Doorway, Mirrors, Psychic Channel, Shadows), Zenotic Space (Mental Space) - Extra-Sticky, Repulsion (Adhesion Stunts), Osmosis Sight (AP: Osmosis Stunt), Remote Control (Anatomical Separation Stunt), Nether (Aura of Decay Stunt), Mood Swing (Biomanipulation Stunt), Object Colocation (Colocation Stunt), Reversion, Repair (Cybermimicry Stunts), Healing (Cybermimicry/TO Body Parts Stunt), New Language (Cyphering Stunt), Remove Addiction (Dependency Inducement Stunt), Body Marks, Self Cancelation (Duplication Stunts), Attract (Energy A/C and Energy Vampirism Stunt), Partial Shift (Energy Body and Matter Body Stunt), Consumption, Strengthening (Energy Channeling Stunts), Carrier Wave (Energy Control Stunt), Filter Out, Shape Field (Energy Dampening Field Stunts), Multitargeting, Chain Bolt, Homing Missile (Energy Emission/Control Combination Stunts), Knockback (Energy Emission [Kinetic] Stunt), Explosive Sheath, Flash-Bang (Explosive Force Generation Stunt), Gravitic Pull, One or Two Way (Gateway Stunts), Thin Layers (Gravity Manipulation Stunt), Layers (Information Manipulation Stunt), Power (Life Force A/C Stunt), CSP (Machine Possession Stunt), Scatter (Matter Body Stunt), Weapon Forging (Matter Control Stunt), Modification, Transfer Other (Matter Transference / Reconstruction Stunts), Chromosome Shift (Physical Adaption Stunt), Flawless (Physical Imitation Stunt), Blend Over (Physical Possession Stunt), Infest, Sprout (Plant Control Stunts), Disassemble, Mental Template, Modification, Specified Source (Replication Stunts), Just a Flesh Wound (Shapeshifting Stunt), Elongation, Lapse, Permanence (Sizeshifting Stunts), Object Anchoring (Space Anchor Stunt), Apportation (Sympathetic Travel Stunt), Straight Road (Tap the Expanse Stunt), Object Disintegration (Telekinesis Stunt), Smoothporting (Teleportation Stunt), Relocation (Word of Recall Stunt), Dump, Space Trap, Store, Realize (Zenotic Space Stunts), Temperature Control (Zoophysiology Stunt), Conference (Zenotic Space/Psionic Collective Stunt), Extend Range (Duplication/Teleportation Combination Stunt), Remote Activation, Substitution (Word of Recall/Duplication Combination Stunts)

Keith Kollee- Javelin (Mega-Strength Power Stunt)

Magnus Korberg- Flight (Matter Repulsion Stunt), Wind Shield (Weather Control Stunt) Kurt Markuson- Size Up (Martial Arts Supremacy Stunt)

Jason Paris- various Shadow Fighting Power Stunts

Kevin Robertson- Concentrated Peace (Iron Will Stunt)

Vision- Partial Shift (Energy Body Stunt)


Tomas Eriksson- Body (Special Background for Nexus Body)

Robert Paul- Training Facilities


Josh Benton- Secondary Switch, Some Days the Bear Gets You (Luck/  Probability Manipulation Flaw)

Tomas Eriksson- Power Active, Power Focus, Narrow Array, Restricted Station, No Tiller (Gateway Flaw), No Fangs (Blood Kinship Flaw), Lick (Blood Kinship Merit), Meat Eater (Biological Vampirism Merit), Permanent Inscription (Word of Recall Flaw) Jay- Conditional Recharge

Khayman II- Power Weakness

Kurt Markuson- Painful Healing (Healing [Others] Flaw), The Bigger They Are, The Smarter They Ain't (Sizeshifting [Increase] Flaw)

MysteryCPU- Power Prerequisite, Rigid Code of Ethics

Robert Paul- Empathic Link, Molting, School of Hard Knocks

Powerisall- Sporadic Control (Flaw)

Qurilion- Backlash, Power Addiction


Scott Clay- Concept

Keith Kollee- Character


John Benner- Mitochondrial Activity Level, Power Charge

Josh Benton- Firearms Rules (Appendix 2)

David Okum- Power Charge

The concepts for many powers, merits, and other tidbits were borrowed from TSR's Marvel Superheroes Roleplaying Game, Palladium's Heroes Unlimited, White Wolf's new Aberrant game, and some other systems- even TV shows.

Obviously, the main framework for the game mechanics is that of the Storyteller system, developed by the White Wolf Game Studio. 'Local' game mechanics and game balance came from my own twisted brain.

Net resources and e-mail suggestions were invaluable in the development of this supplement. The Poet would especially like to thank Scott Clay, Keith Kollee (my first playtester!), Shayne Karlash, Robert Paul, Jason Paris, Kimberley MacDonald, Josh Benton, David Okum, Sean Taverner, Khayman II, Kurt Markuson, LtColKrynn, The Saint, Jason McLarty, Shirra Whitefur, John Benner, Derek Burgess, Bradley Dalmer, Thrai, Elizabeth Gil, Darque Phoenyx, David Story, Timothy Himes, Tomas Eriksson, Yannick Renault, Magnus Korberg, Neko Long, Tony Cabral, Martin Davey and Kevin Robertson for their contributions to the WoD: Mutant effort.

There may be other places where you can get it, but the main source for this supplement and its support will always be my website, which can currently be found at: 

Don't forget to pick up the character sheets, which can be found in the same place. 

New Credits

  • Jaybeans - site maintaineance